In order to provide you the best experience, all our products are made by master craftsmen with selected high-quality materials and everyone owns its unique positive meaning. We hope these meaningful items will bring you good luck and positive change.💕
Moonstone is a natural crystal mineral that is thought to harvest the energy of the moon, which embodies yin's passive and relaxing energy. Similarly, this stone promotes positive well-being and balance, and enhances your intuition.
In Eastern cultures, “lighted” gems, such as moonstone, indicated good luck. The ever-changing, white reflections on its surface, which gemologists call adularescence, seemed to suggest a powerful, good spirit dwelled within.
In India, the moonstone was considered very sacred. Merchants couldn’t display this gem for sale unless it rested on a yellow cloth. Yellow was a most sacred color.
Package Inclusion:
- 1 x French Strawberry Quartz Bracelet
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